
The best movies to watch over Christmas!

1. „It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) – A heartwarming tale about the impact one man’s life has on those around him, this movie is a timeless classic that captures the spirit of Christmas. 2. „Love Actually” (2003) – A romantic comedy set in the weeks leading up to Christmas, this film weaves together multiple love…

12 festive family activities to enjoy before Christmas

Hello, long time not seen ☺️ Today I want to share a few festive things that you can do with your family just before Christmas. If you are a parent of teenagers as I am those are perfect activities to do with teens! Have fun 🎄 1. Decorate the Christmas tree together – Make it…

Life lately according to my camera roll

My last post was in March so a long, long time ago in a blog world. Life has been busy with lots of travel, family celebration, work, school, and gardening because Spring has come and we are all ready for summer vacation. So here are snaps from my life according to my camera roll. I…

Good word for Monday #10

Going back to ‘good word Mondays’ is like coming home! Feels really good, and when I saw this picture last night I knew straight away that I want to share it with everyone. It remains me of my favorite lines from the Bible – ‘So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own…

Waistdear fall sale

As the fall starts I think we all slow down a bit, and step by step we are preparing ourselves for winter to come. Sometimes it is time for total hibernation but sometimes we do our best to stay in shape and in a good mood during the winter season. Especially when you live in…

A month in Portugal

Hello, my fellow readers. I hope your summer is went great?! We spent the whole month of July in sunny Portugal. Portugal is our family go-to for almost 6/7 years now. My best high school friend lives there with her kids and partner. Every time we are planning our summer vacation in the wintertime we…

Spring through Summer

Hello, again after a little while. Who would know life will be so busy that one could not find time for writing to you guys. I was going through my blog some time ago and I have never been good at keeping the schedule but I have so many beautiful memories on here that I…

Two years later…

I am sitting on a log of wood in the forest right now I have an urge to write so as I am typing this I am thinking about the last two years. Tomorrow on March 28th in Poland masks won’t be mandatory and we will be free to walk without them whenever we want…

Learning new things

This year my main goal is to learn new things and to work on myself in every aspect of my life. It started last year when I felt a huge urge to learn more and more. Deeper my knowledge, start to study something, anything. So I did! First with my English skills and now I’m…


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